Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Experiencing Déja vu with Janusz Korczak

I felt as I've been experiencing Déja vu

When at J-Arteck camp in Germany, I joined one day the art group there. The leader asked me to help one of the boys making sculpture of the (Korczak) hand with a little bird. Like at attic of 92 Krochmalna.
The boy had problems as material was soft and fingers were bending. I explained to him that he, the sculpture, need a skeleton. We made a drawing out of his hand to start with and I explained for him and draw appearances of hand and finger joints as seen on X-ray. Thereafter, we did together the skeleton, finger bones and wrist using metal wire.
When drawing X-ray picture of the boys hand I thought about Janusz Korczak that examines a live x-ray of a child's beating heart while teaching a course on medical ethic.
It is likely that the boy at the J-Artec finished the sculpture of "the hand with bird" as I saw the him on the video from the camp.