Wednesday, July 13, 2016

My friend opened an envelope from his grandfather - Warsaw Ghetto Uprise, May 2nd, 1943 as seen from outside

I just got pictures from my friend from the Janusz Korczaks school in Warszawa, Poland.

We finished the 7th grade in 1963 and thereafter went to different gymnasium schools.

I plan to forward these pictures to the Washington Holocaust Museum.
Now I am trying to identify the streets shown on photographs.

All the photographs were taken on my friends grandfather place on May 2nd. 1943 - that means during the last days of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprise.

I feel honored that I got these so important documents and his promise to share them.

Ulica Dzielna (w getcie widziana z Okopowej, poza gettem

Nowolipki od Wolnoƛci

Okopowa przy Kaczej
Okopowa w kierunku Dzikiej i Umschlagplatz